Award’s Philosophy

Public health is one of the worthiest and noblest of human institutions. Over the past two centuries, the practice of public health have led to preventing death and illness, increasing life expectancy and improving the health of the populations and the world at large, not ever seen before. This social institution is the most important force for the social justice and is both the constituent of development as well as its determinant. Within the framework of the International Public Health Award, six distinct social processes, ventures, or efforts are identified as the constituent parts of the institution: Epidemiological Studies; Solutions and Technologies; Advocacy and Leadership; Systems and Reforms; Urban and Public Policies; and Philanthropic Giving and Service.

Award’s Goals

  • Promoting and strengthening the ideal, philosophy, approach and agenda of public health in Iran, the region and the world.
  • Identifying, introducing and celebrating impactful researches, actions and initiatives in public health.
  • Publicizing superior researches, actions and initiatives to disseminate successful experiences and to enhance creativity, innovation and enterprise in the field of public health.
  • Encouraging researchers and practitioners to undertake researches, actions and initiatives in the field of public health.
  • Attracting, providing, encouraging and directing public, private and altruistic resources towards studies, actions and initiatives in the field of public health.
  • Strengthening international cooperation in the field of public health (health diplomacy).

Award’s Areas

The Snow Award in Epidemiological Studies Epidemiologic studies include original scientific studies or reviews of the frequency, incidence, burden, and causality of prevalent or epidemic diseases or ailments and their determinants that threaten public’s health; they are creators of evidence. These studies encompass a wide spectrum of substantive areas and protocol formats that may well go beyond the realm of biology to be in the social, urban or economic spheres.
The Nightingale Award in Solutions and Technologies A variety of hard and soft solutions and technologies have been designed and developed by humans to deal with the population health problems. These solutions have a very wide range: from vaccines and antibiotics to anti-anopheles tents and digital health apps. Cheaper and higher impact solutions towards the population health issues are closer to this concept.
The Almaty Award in Advocacy and Leadership Delivering public health goals depends to a large extent on the participation of non-health sectors: transport, education, housing and habitat, natural environment and workplace. Garnering cooperation and movement of other sectors to prioritize the health of the population requires leadership, publicity and advocacy, and passion for the health of the population and social justice.
The Shadpour and Pileroudi Award in Systems and Reforms Management systems, operating procedures, and small to large structural designs support and implement health objectives and attain population health in its diverse substantive areas.
The Adelaide Award in Urban and Public Policy The public health institution is a multi-disciplinary enterprise. Delivering public health goals depends to a large extent on the participation of non-health sectors: transport, education, housing and habitat, natural environment and workplace. A wide range of civil measures, public policy and urban and municipal designs by non-health public organizations or agencies or non-governmental organizations and the private sector have a wide and deep impact on population health.
The Gates Award in Philanthropic Giving and Service Philanthropic initiatives, donations and endowments and exemplary service by individuals, non-governmental organizations, civil society and the corporate sector towards the population health constitute a major social process towards addressing, improving and promoting the health of the population.

Reviewing Committee

The Award is composed of experts and academics in Iran and other countries and experts of the health-related institutions and agencies such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Municipality. The members are selected by Jorjani’s board of directors after consultation with the experts.

The criteria for the selection of Committee Members

  1. Established track record in public health
  2. Diversity of disciplines and specialties in accordance with the awards
  3. Geographic diversity
  4. Gender diversity (allocation of at least 10% of the committee members to each gender)
  5. Avoiding any bias towards beliefs, ethnicity, or political views
  6. Lack of conflict of interests with decision or judgment
  7. Prior experience in similar committees at the national and international levels